I am excited to announce Simply Said Photography’s first “Shop Local” Mother’s Day Give away!! By shopping local you are #1 supporting the community #2, encouraging entrepreneurship and #3 strengthening our local economy. All great reasons to shop local! There will only be ONE grand prize winner of all these amazing prizes. Be sure to check out all the vendors taking part in this amazing give away to see what they are offering 🙂
**To win you MUST ONLY use the form at the bottom of this page and like ALL of the facebook pages in the giveaway. If you do not use the form located at the bottom of this page your entries will not count** Contest Begins on April 29th and ends May 10th. Winner to be announced on Mother’s Day! Best of luck Mom’s, you deserve it!!
Business Name: Simply Said Photography
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
Website: http://www.simplysaidphotography.com/
*Offering one special “Mommy & Me” session, includes 15 high resolution digital
images and a 30 minute photo session for you and your child/ren ~ $300 value
Business Name: Indigo Lounge
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
Website: http://indigolounge.ca/
*Offering, 1 month free Yoga with Kelly for you and a friend: unlimited classes (kelly’s).
Plus $30 giftcard for Organic Cafe & Eatery for a shared meal*
~ $400 Value
Business Name: Cardio Plus Women’s Fitness & Day Spa
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
*Offering, ONE Year Membership plus Manicure/Pedicure from Day Spa
~ $530 Value
Business Name: Harry’s Tillsonburg
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
*Offering, Gift card & Scarf ~$55 Value
Business Name: Tranquility Health & Beauty Centre
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/experiencetranquility
*Offering, 30 minute massage with Tammy Kyle RMT
Microdermabrasion with Lisa Wiebe
Pedicure with Kimberly Behman
Shampoo and style with Kayla Goodlet ~ $160 Value
Business Name: Change Forward Life & Career Coach – Anouschka Van den Bosch
Location: Aylmer, ON
Website: www.changeforward.net
*Offering, TWO – 1 Hour coaching sessions as well one complimentary session. ~ Value $180
Business Name: Bes Spa
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
*Offering, Dermalogica Skin Kit value ~ $60 Value
Business Name: The Thirsty Golfer
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
*Offering, Gift Certificate ~ $50 Value
Business Name: Magic Piper
Location: Simcoe, ON
*Offering, Gro Clock ~ $ 50 Value
Business Name: Lulu Bath & Body
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
Shop: https://www.facebook.com/lulubathandbody/app_345855675434814
*Offering, Lotion, Scrub & Lip balm Making Class (Private)
Winner will receive a free “Mama & Me” class for 2. A relaxing and fun class full of pampering! ~ $125 Value
Business Name: Arbonne ~ Christine Barnard
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
*Offering, Calm Skin Care Set ~ $138 Value
Business Name: Durkees Ltd.
Location: Aylmer, ON
*Offering,$100 Gift Certificate
Business Name: The Cup & Cake
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheCupandCake12
*Offering, Gift Voucher for 6 Gourmet Cupcakes ~ $15 value
Business Name: Le Bel Decor
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
*Offering, Gift Certificate ~ $100 Value
Business Name: Tillsonburg Laser Clinic
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
Website: http://www.tillsonburglaserclinic.com/index.php
*Offering, Underarm Hair Removal Treatment Package ~ $660 Value
Business Name: XQZT Floral Design
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
*Offering, One floral arrangement PER WEEK for 6 MONTHS ~ $480 Value
Business Name: Purple Daze Lavender Farm
Location: Delhi, ON
*Offering, Lavender Hand and Body Lotion~ $17 Value
Business Name: Coffee Cultures Cafe & Eatery
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
*Offering, $20 gift vouchers for Tillsonburg Coffee Cultures, 1 bag of coffee, 2 boxes of tea and a travel mug ~ $50 Value
Business Name: Norwex ~ Amber Decker
Website: https://amberdecker.norwex.biz
Location: Delhi, ON
*Offering, Enviro cloth & window cloth along with skin care sample & Laundry detergent sample bag ~ $65 Value
Business Name: Health Sciences ~ Kirk & Monia Butler
Location: Tillsonburg, ON
Website: www.kirkbutler.usana.com
*Offering, Gift Certificate ~ $50 Value
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