As I’m sitting here adjusting to the cooler weather, (with a heating pad on my lap) I am reminded of how quickly time flies and how instantly seasons seem to come and go. It seems like yesterday I was in full swing, trying to catch up on all of my work (haha, never happened), in preparation for being home with my kids all Summer long. Then I was anxiously waiting for the children to return to school in hopes that once again, I could catch up on my work (never happened, surprise surprise, hehe). And here I sit as we are ending the month of October, writing this blog post realizing that Christmas is just around the corner, ahhhhh!
I have the unique opportunity as a photographer to freeze time. Time that otherwise seems lost. I will often sit and look at images of my family. Images where I know in that time of my life I was overwhelmed, over worked, maybe not as good of a mother, wife or friend as I wanted to be. Looking back on the images where I can see the smiles on my children’s faces, the hugs from friends, or that look my husband gives me, all reminds me that times are good and I have a lot to be grateful for.
The DeLeye Family just rocked their session. There was never a moment when I encouraged “connection”, it was all just there. I know that mom and dad are super busy working their tails off, and I was so inspired by their willingness to let all stressors go and just “be”. What a gift to look back on your images, in what seems like the blur of life, and remember that you are and were a family unit amongst the chaos of life!
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