Where does the time go? I went to bed last night thinking about my kids and how I want them to stop growing…. like desperately want them to stop! I want to remember everything about them and the only way to do that is to take pictures. This is something I CAN do, obviously. It is hard to s.l.o.w. down and realize that I need to pick up my camera and snap away. I don’t just want to take pictures though, I want to capture stages and milestones. Favourite blankets, shows, games, looks and laughs. It is my job to do this and do it more diligently. A promise I am making to myself and my family. So here is the first of many “Simply Mine” posts about me and my family!
So for my first {Simply Mine} post, is my son Levi and his obsession with a French Canadian Cartoon, “Cailou”. Although Cailou does annoy me a tad bit, I have grown to “like” him simply because of my sons love of the show and his sudden outburst of laughter. He has the best laugh E.V.E.R.! Next purchase on my list….. a new video camera to capture that laugh!
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