I do love my newborns but enjoy babies as well. This little one was 2 months old. Mom was worried that she was a bit too old for the traditional “newborn” shoots that I do. And yes I like to do my newborns generally between 4-9 days old, but don’t let that discourage you from capturing your child at any age! As quickly as a newborn goes from 6 days old to 2 months old, is as quickly as a 2 month old turns into a 4 month old! I think it’s important to document children through photography at all ages. It still blows my mind when I look back at pictures of my children even a year ago and think, “they must not have changed that much”, and I’m always in awe when I’m wrong. Yes I know a year is a long time and it’s silly for me to think that my child hasn’t changed but never the less I love looking at my pictures an examining all the changes I see. This is why I love photography. I love documenting my life, the life of others and I love the amazement even I get at noticing the subtle differences in my own children year to year, month to month:)
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